Thursday, 23 July 2015

What are the Causes of Forehead Wrinkles?

Forehead wrinkles are a natural progression for skin. Given the daily toll that the skin endures, what with the dirt and grime, it is only natural that skin will breakdown to form fine lines and wrinkles. Living with these fine lines can be hard in a society that idealizes youth. However, noticing wrinkles on your forehead isn’t the end of the world.

Too Much Stress

Unchecked stress, like aggression, can be harmful to skin. People forget that while they are pushing their stress out of their minds that is not the same as keeping it out of their bodies. Stress has to be relieved. When it isn’t, wrinkles are bound to happen. After all, just think about how often people scrunch up their face without ever noticing it.

Wearing Makeup to Bed

Women who want to limit the wrinkles on their face need to make sure they wash off makeup every night. Sleeping in makeup only blocks up the pores and doesn’t allow the skin to breathe properly. There are special cleansers that can be used for this purpose. This might not be necessary, however. How much makeup a person wears will make that determination.

Lack of Moisture

What causes the skin to crack most often is lack of moisture. Whether it is being out in the sun for extended periods of time or not using a face cleanser people can put their skin through a lot. Using essential oils or moisturizer is a good way to maintain adequate skin health and limit the amount of fine lines and wrinkles that show up on your forehead.

People who want to conceal their forehead wrinkles can use a light foundation concealer to fill in the cracks. They may also want to use a skin firming cream that decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

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